Archives - Page 2

  • Política internacional y mixtura comprensiva

    International policy and comprehensive mix
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2012)

    With the focus on Ibero-America, this issue considers conditions, transitions and socio-political proposals concerning different countries in Europe and Latin America. The reality of capitalism and the alternative to socialism, the existing institutional and philosophical proposals, are therefore a reference. The educational field and its experiences are, at the same time, the subject of other texts compiled here.

  • Digitalización, exclusiones y práctica docente

    Digitalization, exclusions and teaching practice
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2011)

    One line of scientific research, relevant in the current context, refers to the duality between the processes of digitalization and exclusions. These are trends that evidence, in part, obverse realities, but also other cobordant ones, and at the same time, converging with the field of education; that is, with the socially available knowledge and the role of educational instruction.

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