Interventions around childhoods. Towards a rights perspective in early childhood education


  • Betiana Alderete Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina)
  • Natalia Savio Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina)


Childhood, Interventions, Initial Education, rights, practices


The present work arises as a result of a workshop, carried out with a group of students of the Pedagogical Residence in Early Childhood Education. The aim of the workshop was to debate about the degree of interference of the perspectives of integral protection of rights in the current interventions in the classroom work. That is, to compare to what extent this new perspective is assumed as a demand in the daily educational task; or, in other words, what kind of meanings guide their actions. The dynamics of the workshop revolved around recovering their voices as an element of analysis and enabling a space of questions and reflections in which the degree of consistency between their thinking, saying and acting was reflected. As a result, we can see the coexistence of two well-defined perspectives; at a discursive level, the rights perspective has a greater predominance, but in its saying and its practice, conceptions of a modern childhood figure prevail. Mixed traces which highlight the significant changes still needed at a cultural, social and essentially subjective level.


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