Returning to face-to-face classes. Political regulations on care and autonomies


  • Sonia Alzamora Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Adriana Garbarino Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Rocio Mora Souto Graduada, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Daniela Sosa Graduada, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Federica Rocío Ussino Graduada, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa


education policy, education trajectories, autonomy, care, regulation


This writting is a contribution for the analysis of the educational situation in the context of the pandemic situation for Covid-19. We consider necesary to leave a record of the events according as they are happening. This uncertain time call us to reflexion and for that the first step is a detailed and strict description.The topic of this writting is how to return to presential classes after a time without classes un the province of La Pampa. We analized the educational policy designed by the National State and Cultural and Educational Ministery, paying special attention to the context directly involved, specially the institutional and pedagogic through the oficial documents, for the delimitation of responsabilities and the people involved to accomplish them, the estimated time and the available resources, including the access to tecnology and the training yo support the teachers work. Paying attention to the regulation, we selected two categories to make a transversal analysis at the end of the text: the care policy and the institutional autonomy of the people involved.


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