Analysis of the academic regulations in the formation of the Social Communicators in the Argentine University Institutions in the current social context. A case study


  • Alejandra María Gabriela Juárez Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de San Luis


Communication Field , Academic Regulations, Disciplinary Field, University Institutions, communication


In the present study, an analysis of the new tendencies that, by way of academic regulation, configure the disciplinary field of the Social Communication (SC) in the context of the state university institutions of Argentina is carried out, which is framed in the debates and transformations of the present society.
In the historical development of SC studies the first theoretical traditions have not only been overcome, but have profoundly mutated and are intimately related to power spaces. At present, both the academic field and the professional field do not escape the tensions generated by interests from the economic groups and the mentioned spaces of power. It is a field of struggles in permanent reconstruction, a space of meetings and discussions, but at the same time a field of search for alternatives and new viewpoints. Considering this, the tensions between tradition and change become necessary for the progress of the same discipline, and of science in general, according to Thomas Kuhn (1971). This will allow us to reach a critical reflection about the current state of this discipline.


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