The quantifier discourse and the diagnoses. The evaluating rage of autism


  • Norma Alicia Sierra Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina)


diagnosis, evaluation, singularity, autism, psychoanalysis


Statistics have invaded the 21st century, sustained in a supposedly scientific evaluation paradigm, whose bases are in the measurable and the calculable. We could say that it is an evaluating rage that is correlative to a bureaucratization of practices, within the framework of a technocratic approach that encourages the application of protocols and the search for efficient results. To carry out a treatment under this approach, diagnoses and evaluations are assumed to be as early as possible, given that the logic that governs these processes is that of the "problem-solution" paradigm. In current diagnostic practices there is a forclusion of the singularity, as the subject is reduced to homogenizing ideals without which the whole building of statistics and the evaluation of efficiency would fall. In order to measure and calculate, that is, to evaluate the results, firm and defined categories are required so that the practices to be applied can be determined and the results can be evaluated. Scientific aspiration, but not without desubjective consequences when it comes to its application in questions inherent to human subjectivity.


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