Review of the book “Children of neoliberalism. The contemporary history of our plundered Mexico”
neoliberalism, public policy, public budget, privatization, technocracyAbstract
Social problems in Mexico, such as inequality, corruption, poverty, organized crime, dispossession, violence, and impunity, among others, found their etiological component in the early years of the 1980s, a time when various politicians, businessmen and people in high public spheres use the neoliberal economic paradigm as a means to obtain personal benefits, covered by a rhetoric of economic growth and development. These actors, by operating the economic-political system, assiduously implementing negative mechanisms surreptitiously, have laid the foundations, often unnoticeable, of a harsh social reality in today's Mexico. Therefore, the present review of the book written by the author Ana Lilia Pérez Mendoza, entitled “Children of neoliberalism. The contemporary history of our plundered Mexico”, published in 2023, shows the negative ways of behaving of the most representative figures of Mexican neoliberalism. Thus, the work sequentially exposes how Mexicans today, being the descendants of an era conditioned by the interpreters of neoliberalism, constitute themselves as the heirs of a Mexico with serious social dilemmas.
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