Agreements and disagreements with teenagers. Reflections on the experiences in the course of Psychology, of the UNLPam


  • Juan Franco Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la UNLPam. Colegio de la UNLPam e ISFD Escuela Normal Santa Rosa. (Argentina)


device, subjectivities, adolescents, teachers, transferential link


To build and offer space, a more habitable territory, that admits the word, the communication and the movement of the body,  be comes powerful in proposals destined to schooled Young people. From the course of Psychology of the Department of Teacher Training of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the UNLPam, we worked with an intervention device, aimed at students who attended a secondary school in the city of Santa Rosa. The instrument allowed to approach the transferential link, through individual and group interventions that favored the beginning of certain movements and changes in the subjective position of students and teachers. Addressing human relations and the transferential, which is part of the school bond between adults and Young people, helps to think about the irruptions and dis conforts that are presented today in the different school scenes; a situation that leads us to bring up, as a team, various questions, some of which are presented in this work. The different scenes presented in this artic leal low us to think how the hospitality offered by an adult favours the appearance of positive transfers in school work and how, faced with situations of hostility, the bond deteriorates and favours indifference and aggression.


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