Social innovation is a condition for any other type of innovation
social innovation, innovation contexts, pedagogical processes, professional training, integral and practical perspectiveAbstract
Over the past decade, the concept of social innovation has expanded to include a wide range of approaches, reflecting its growing complexity and diversity. This article is built on the premise that social innovation forms the foundation for other types of innovation, such as technological, business, or product innovation. It emphasizes the pivotal role of social frameworks in driving these innovations. With this in mind, we explore the dimensions of a holistic and practical perspective on social innovation, one that can be integrated into the professional training of social communicators. The key ideas discussed in this article are drawn from research conducted as part of the 2023 Seminar on Communication and Innovation Processes at the School of Communication Sciences, National University of Córdoba. This qualitative study employs participant observation to examine the teaching and learning strategies implemented during the seminar. This method was complemented by a bibliographic review and semi-structured questionnaires completed by students at the end of each class. The analysis of the data led to the development of a concept of "social innovation" based on the students' perspectives. The dimensions identified underline how the proposed definition of social innovation is embedded in collaborative practices that prioritize positive impact and contextual adaptation.
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