Identification of discourse strategies for the representation of self-medication in Latin America: Analysis of a corpus of social networks


  • Andrea Campos Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


discourse analysis, self-medication, discursive strategies, agentivity, Chile


This study aims to identifying the discursive strategies for the representation of self-medication in Latin America based on the analysis of social actors and values that are put into play in a corpus of social networks. A qualitative methodology is used with the aid of Nvivo software (2020), focusing on the agentivity of the actors linked to self-medication practices, either as active or omitted participants in the chain, as consumers or doctors, respectively. The results reveal resistance towards prescribing agents, evidencing user dissatisfaction with medical practice, superficial care and generic prescriptions, in addition to often collapsed health facilities. In summary, consumer proponents of self-medication position themselves as retractors of the doctor's role, generating an evident contrast between social actors.


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