Tales for teaching the colonial history of the city of San Luis
stories, local past, teaching, historical imagination, historical empathyAbstract
The purpose of this article is to report the aspects covered in the course "Social Sciences and its Didactics", which is taught in the third year of the teaching and licentiate programs in Preschool Education at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the National University ofSan Luis. The analyzed initiative was conducted during the years 2018 and 2019, and it alludes to the teaching of the colonial past of the city of San Luis out of the use of historical tales as mediators and/or teaching materials in teacher training. The fictional narratives have been written as an innovative contribution to be used for teaching the colonial past of the city of San Luis, from everyday life and from an integrated perspective. The work was done within the framework of the Research Project "Memories and educational practices”(FCH/UNSL), in which the last two stages were devoted to the production of printed teaching materials. With this work, we will begin to find out whether the tales to which we refer could be used to teach daily life of the local past of San Luis. We also hope to contribute historical knowledge from an alternative and plural perspective besides the production of tangible material as didactic support.
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