An experience in the teaching of cultural heritage in amiddle school of the city of Córdoba, Argentina


  • Mariano Martín Pereyra Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


heritage, law, secondary school, make visible, appreciate


This article is based on the classroom experience, considering the teaching-learning process of the course Cultural Heritage and the research and development of the postgraduate thesis entitled “Education for Heritage-Contributions and Guidelines for an Educational Proposal as a Compulsory Curriculum at Secondary School in the City of Córdoba”. We propose the need for compulsory and non-optional teaching of topics related to cultural heritage and, by extension, to natural heritage. To this end, we consider it opportune to go through the last compulsory stage of Argentine education: secondary school. It is important, then, to revise the current school legal framework, which consolidates the proposed idea. In addition, in the education of responsible citizens in the 21stcentury, the learning of contents that promotes respect and conservation of natural and cultural sites and objects, should not be ignored, since it involves urgent and apparently dissimilar issues. Some of them are cultural identity, democratic coexistence, otherness, the Environmental Crisis, Climate Change, which together, directly affect the quality of planetary life. It is necessary, therefore, to raise awareness of the cultural heritage, the different values that highlight it, transform it and make it possible as such. Making it visible is the first step to appreciate it through a careful analysis. Likewise, at present, and emphatically in secondary school, there is a need to cover the contents of all the courses cross-disciplinarily, comprehensivelyand cross-sectionally.


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