The cultural battle present in the presidential discursive practice as a strategy to achieve hegemony


  • Fiorella Russo Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza).


Kirchnerismo, discursive practice, politic-ideology, hegemony, cultural battle


President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s discursive practice within the framework of the dispute with the agricultural sector between March and July 2008 constitutes the starting point for this work. I propose to analyze the values that the presidential discursive practice seeks to imprint in the political-ideological kirchnerista project with the objective of building hegemony, the so-called “Cultural Battle”. By focusing on President Cristina F. de Kirchner’s discursive strategies I intend to demonstrate how her discursive practice seeks, on the one hand, to generate collective identification by interpellating recipients through signifiers in terms of cultural change; and, on the other, to define political-ideological enemies through signifiers opposite to the aforementioned values. The analytical perspective arises from what could be called a political problem of the ideologies whose main referents are Louis Althusser, Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Pêcheux, Terry Eagleton and Slavoj Žižek. Considering this discursive practice as a bearer of specific ideological representations that are in a dialogic relationship with other ideologies while fighting for hegemony in the ideological-political field, constitutes the starting point for this work. We used interpretative reading of presidential speeches, releases and conferences as a methodology that allows for the discovery of hidden meanings present in the oficial text.


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