Building-Psychology at Social Communication degree. An area of teaching and research in the UNSL


  • Carlos Alberto Silvage Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Sara Elizabeth Santander Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • María Laura Rocca Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Matías Garro López Universidad Nacional de San Luis


teaching of psychology , social media, critical appropriation


Teaching at the university should promote critical appropriation of knowledge. For most interesting , innovative and useful they can be the contents of a program of study, mean little if they fail to move the subjectivity of the student and not become tools to de- construct and questioning the social realities that are imposed as indisputable truths .So we understand the interior of Psychology course in the second year of the Bachelor of Communication at the Faculty of Human Sciences UNSL conceived as training while building shared knowledge between teachers and studentsPsychological concepts in dialogue with other subjects can be tools that encourage students to take a critical stance on the complex plot that determines and explains subjectivity, overcoming simplistic, naive or partial conceptions of the human being and communication.Participation of trainees in the production of knowledge and teaching activities is emphasized, achieving substantial improvements in student communication with faculty, generating higher levels of participation and motivation about the educational proposals.


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