Political-pedagogical guidelines of the decision discourse in the Noteboks for the Argentine Teacher


  • Olga Auderut Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Alejandra Orellano Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional de San Luis


education, teachers, political discourse, Peronismo, decision doctrine


During Perón’s second presidential term, the education reforms initiated during his first term were deepened. The law that sanctioned the Second “Plan Quinquenal” established the consolidation of economic independency as a central goal for the new term, with the purpose of ensuring social justice and maintaining political sovereignity. The implementation of this law was not only the responsibility of the State, but also of the argentine people, which made it essential for all and every citizen to become familiarized with it. At the same time, this law established the decision doctrine as national doctrine. Within this framework, the so-called Notebooks for the Argentine Teacher, published between 1952 and 1953, became fundamental to orientate the actions of teachers.

In this work, developed within the framework of the Project PROICO 4_1214 “Teacher training in San Luis Province, between 1942 and 1952. Culture, Politics and Society”, we attempt to achieve a first approximation to the analysis of discourse in the Notebooks for the Argentine Teacher, using Eliseo Verón’s discourse analysis categories for the political discourse. We have focused our attention in the objectives of education; the conception and role attributed to the teacher, the conception of student and the pedagogical-didactial strategies for the teaching of Performance, key subject for students’ cultural and moral development.


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